Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Sofia Origami Travellers Part 2

Origami Yoga is the name I chose for the second crane, which Gian Paolo left in Sofia. GP is getting more creative with every new crane he makes. This one is made from a yoga class brochure, which he found in one, I quote, "cool bar/bookstore where we entered also because the bartender looked super cute". I know for sure that on my next visit to Sofia I will go to this cool bar/bookstore, where the bartenders are super cute.
Its funny that the crane is made from a yoga brochure because Gian Paolo's husband Bryan is actually very good at yoga. Actually after they finish their Euro trip, Bryan and GP are moving to England, where Bryan will probably start teaching yoga.From Sofia the boys will switch countries and I am so excited to see what is the next thing GP will find to make origami.