Monday 23 April 2012

I love lost origami ( and Gian Paolo

Hi origami readers!
I am sorry for not updating the lost origami site but lets say that we had some technical problems. I even didin't update my Facebook profile, so it means that the problem was serious :)
The most important is that we are not lost, we are here and our spreaders are working hard all over the world. And they are more and more.
When I opened my e-mail yesterday I was pleasantly surprised because our spreaders are not having brakes. I cannot wait to show you the amazing stuff they have made.
So sit down and be ready for some serious updates in the next couple of days...
By the way, my pleasant surprise was even more joyful when I saw this in my mail (the real one, not the virtual).
I received this amazingly sweet letter from Gian Paolo. Inside there was a set with origami paper. Strangely, in Ruse there is no place from where a person can buy origami paper, so Gian Paolo, like a typical Italian gentleman, sent me this set. I am not sure what made me more happy - the paper or the "fake" post stamp
Lost origami loves you too Gian Paolo. Keep spreading love and tasty deserts everywhere you go!